Here’s the other part of the duo for Development Workflow with Multiple Developers talk at WordCamp St. Louis, Matt Decrevel. Here’s a short view of his WordPress journey below.
Interview with Matt Decrevel

NILE FLORES: When did you start using WordPress?
MATT DECREVEL: I started using WordPress in 2007 for a college English portfolio, it’s still out there (decrevel19.wordpress.com).
NILE FLORES: What are a few takeaways that attendees will get from your talk?
MATT DECREVEL: Our presentation will help users decipher the different types of changes that occur during development and maintaining a website, as well as ways we have found to prevent data loss during the constant upkeep and creation of a website. We will focus on our team workflow but this can be applied and used by any developer working with a client or another user making edits to a website.
NILE FLORES: WordPress is turning 15 years old. What would you like to see in the future for WordPress?
MATT DECREVEL: I am not sure. I am learning new was to hack and grow WordPress everyday. If we made it too simple, I might work myself out of a job.
NILE FLORES: “And just for funsies”, over the past few years, the WordPress community has seen the rise of the cute Wapuu character? Heard of it? And if so, what’s your favorite Wapuu? (Wapuu Reference: https://wapu.us/ )
MATT DECREVEL: I have not seen them. If I had to choose one, I think Captain W would be my favorite.
NILE FLORES: What is your favorite area of the WordPress admin?
MATT DECREVEL: I really enjoy using ACF and customizing the backend user interface to make it as simple as possible for our clients to edit and maintain their sites.
NILE FLORES: What are the top three WordPress plugins that you believe every WordPress user should have installed?
MATT DECREVEL: Migrate DB, ACF Pro, Gravity Forms (close 4th – WP-SCSS)
Want to see Matt at WordCamp St. Louis. Get your ticket today!