Reshma Chattaram Chamberlin

Chief Executive Officer at B&C Designers

Reshma Chattaram Chamberlin started her career as a book designer for HarperCollins Publishers in NYC and then moved to magazine publishing, before finding her sweet spot as a web designer and project manager. She has worked on campaigns for clients like Volvo and French’s French Friend Onion as well as designed sites for governors, states and celebrities. She formed B&C Designers – a concierge interactive firm that takes on a small number of clients at a time to really focus on great design and new and intuitive functionality. B&C believes in designing for web with extreme care and attention to detail and achieving great design through the client’s business objectives, usability best practices and innovation.

Recently B&C is set to launch a Chicago State’s Attorney’s site created in wordpress, has created a mobile and iPad application for stock enthusiasts, a news reader app and a top secret project for a Fortune 50 company!

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