Marketing specialist at Vandover
A writer, speaker, marketer and now a veteran WordPresser, Caren Libby says WordPress changed her life. She’s even built WordPress sites (little ones) at Maritz! Who knew a giant corporation would let anyone outside corporate IT build any kind of non-huge, non-IT-driven, person-powered site?
Caren’s session, How to Land Your Dream Job with WordPress, isn’t so much a get-a-job tutorial as it is a guide to changing your life, with a little marketing mastery thrown in.
You’ll see how your job is to find your niche, target an audience and draw them in with a message it needs to hear (that only you can deliver). WordPress, meanwhile, has a job too – to help you deliver. With everything from the look and feel that sets you up as an expert, to the tools that help your readers connect with you, all the way to the pure brawn to handle the server load if your message takes off and you hit it big.
Have you got a dream that requires reaching an audience? Caren’s got your blueprint. WordPress has your platform. So go get ’em!